Analyzing Multiple APKs At Once

This falls into that series of things where I had to make something work when there wasn’t a pre-built package, so I’m documenting it here in case (1) I ever need to do this again, or (2) someone else can benefit from it.  Let’s say you’re looking into a device that runs on Android, and it has a bunch of APKs that you have no clue what to do with… why not use some common tools to quickly process all of those files?

Continue reading “Analyzing Multiple APKs At Once”

Fixing Firmware File Systems

Here’s the scenario: you’ve downloaded the firmware for a device that you want to explore in more depth, and extracted out the updates.  You dig through them and see that they’re EXT4 systems, and say “jackpot!” while rubbing your hands together in glee.  “A quick mount and I can browse to my heart’s content” you say to yourself… and then you see “wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on {DEVICE}, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.”  Let’s get past that. 🙂

Continue reading “Fixing Firmware File Systems”

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