RFID Fundamentals

I realized I didn’t have any good notes on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags/badges/etc, so I figured it was time to compile that and update it while I’m at it.  This post is just a quick run-down of the frequencies, types, and common cards/IDs.  If you don’t know what an RFID is, for the purposes of most pentesting it’s a security badge or a key fob, like you can see in the image at the top of this posting.

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Bruteforcing ESSID Values

If you need to reveal an (E)SSID you can do this simply through MDK3.  To do so we’ll use the “p” mode, as follows:

mdk3 {INTERFACE} p -f /path/to/file/of/potential_names -t {AP_MAC_ADDRESS} -b {CHARSET}

For the “CHARSET” you can use “a” (for all characters, not recommended except for tiny names), or one or more of the following:

  • u – Uppercase
  • l – Lowercase
  • n – Numbers
  • s – ASCII symbols

Good hunting!

WPA Handshake Stripping

Many thanks to INIT_SIX for also pointing out a quick way to reduce the size of your WPA handshake captures using pyrit:

pyrit -r /path/to/capture.cap -o /path/to/handshake-only-output.cap strip

Add the “-e” or “-b” switches to filter down to just a single AP by ESSID or BSSID respectively:

pyrit -r capture.cap -o output.cap -b "99:88:77:66:55:44" strip

That’s it! Good hunting!

Wireless Attack: WPA

The following is a quick-hit list of commands for attacking a WPA wireless network. It assumes you are using a 2016 variant of Kali linux with the aircrack-ng suite installed and a wireless network card that can be placed into monitor mode (which should be about 100% of them). It also assumes that there is a WPA network with an associated client that is transmitting, and that you are running as a user with sufficient permissions to execute each of these commands.

For the sake of this tutorial the AP will be assumed to have a MAC address of “99:88:77:66:55:44” and the client will be assumed to have a MAC address of “00:11:22:33:44:55”. The wireless network card we will use will be assumed to be “wlan0”.

If a presentation is more your style of learning you can access training on this topic here: Wireless Attacks – WPA & WPS (basic_0x01)

Continue reading “Wireless Attack: WPA”

Wireless Attack: WEP

The following is a quick-hit list of commands for attacking a WEP wireless network. It assumes you are using a 2016 variant of Kali linux with the aircrack-ng suite installed and a wireless network card that can be placed into monitor mode (which should be about 100% of them). It also assumes that there is a WEP network with an associated client that is transmitting, and that you are running as a user with sufficient permissions to execute each of these commands.

For the sake of this tutorial the AP will be assumed to have a MAC address of “DE:AD:DE:AD:DE:AD” and the client will be assumed to have a MAC address of “BE:AD:ED:BE:AD:ED”. The wireless network card we will use will be assumed to be “wlan0”.

UPDATE 2017-01-01: If a presentation is more your style of learning you can access training on this topic here: Wireless Attacks – WEP (basic_0x00)

First up, boot up Kali and shut down any potentially interfering programs:

airmon-ng check kill

Continue reading “Wireless Attack: WEP”

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