Jira for Business Management

Over the past seven-ish years I’ve developed my own system for managing work from an executive perspective down to the individual contributor, and after some prompting from a friend (thanks MadHat!) I realized this might be helpful to others. Just to level set, the intent of this approach is to grow a full work management solution from nothing to the point where you can dynamically manage workloads and commitments, and to do so in a continuously evolving and improving way. As with anything agile… fail early, fail often, and go with what works for you and your teams. 🙂

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The Four Three Rule of Team PenTesting

Two posts in one night, because I’m catching up on some backlog items.  I’ve been teaching/training a team on PenTesting lately, and it’s caused me to think through some personal truths and approaches that I’ve taken for several years.  While going through that process I came to realize that I’d never really formally codified them; this is my attempt to do just that.  It all comes down to what I’m now going to call the “Four Three Rule of Team PenTesting”.

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