Pwnagotchi Waveshare V3

So you want to build yourself one of those Pwnagotchi that everyone is talking about since the Flipper Zero came out and no one can get one, eh? And you’ve followed the official installation instructions (which this post supplements, but does not replace) but have noticed that either (1) you can’t really find a Waveshare eInk 2.13″ display that’s not version 3, or (2) you can’t quite seem to get into your Pwnagotchi if it’s even running and ERMAGERD WTF why is this so obtuse? Well, this is the guide for you. 🙂

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Wireless Hacking

This is just a quick post to provide the presentation I gave tonight at PwnSchool.  If you’d like to review it you can download it here.  Thanks!

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to Radio Frequency
  • Wireless  Hacking (WEP and WPA2)
  • RFID Hacking (HID Prox and MIFARE)
  • Bluetooth Hacking (Bluelog/bluesnarfer/Wireshark/etc)

QuickHit: wget Website Mirroring

You may often need to mirror all (or part) of a website for offline analysis.  The ‘wget’ program has some easy features to use when you want to quickly get a local copy of a site and correct common issues (like links pointing to server locations).  Set up one of these behind the scenes while you work on other aspects, then peruse at your leisure.

Update 2018-07-21: Or just use the script I wrote to simplify this for my customized Kali build, available here.

Continue reading “QuickHit: wget Website Mirroring”

Multi-OS Boot Build

One of the most frustrating things to do is shuffle various USB drives trying to remember which one you were using last (for persistent OS boots), or which one has the working version of “X” operating system/which installer.  This article covers how to take an external USB drive (whether a large thumb drive or an actual external hard drive) and turn it into a whizbang multi-OS booting device.

Continue reading “Multi-OS Boot Build”

Bruteforcing ESSID Values

If you need to reveal an (E)SSID you can do this simply through MDK3.  To do so we’ll use the “p” mode, as follows:

mdk3 {INTERFACE} p -f /path/to/file/of/potential_names -t {AP_MAC_ADDRESS} -b {CHARSET}

For the “CHARSET” you can use “a” (for all characters, not recommended except for tiny names), or one or more of the following:

  • u – Uppercase
  • l – Lowercase
  • n – Numbers
  • s – ASCII symbols

Good hunting!

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